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This is the home of Justine's crazy and sometimes amusing ramblings.

Thursday, October 24, 2002
Yay!! I'm finished my part of recording!!!!! I've spent tonite, 7 hours on Monday and about five hours Friday laying down vocal tracks for our first three singles. Not bad, considering, but it seems like a lot to me. It's my first time recording and I go in after a full day of work, so I'm really tired. I spend eight hours chasing kids, finding stuff and being on my feet, then go to the studio to stand on my feet and sing the same lines for five hours. It's tougher than I thought, but it was sooooo much fun. We're doing I Am Who I Am, a song that would be on repeat on _my_ cd player; Mesmerize, a hypnotic, Kylie Minogue-esque song; and All Of This Time, a smooth R&B ballad. They are so amazing. Lin Gardiner, our producer, is phenomenal! She has totally made this a wonderful experiance and the songs sound amazing. Hee. I'm giddy!

Nickleback was rehersing tonite for their big show here tomorrow in the studio right above ours. They were so loud. Lin and I would stop and listen, trying to identify the songs by the bass line. That's hard. We joked about going upstairs and telling them that Nickelback will be very quietly in the background of our songs. Subliminal Nickleback. But, we didn't. I'd love to meet them, but knowing me, I bump into one guy in the kitchen say hi and challenge him to pool, not knowing it's Chad or something.

Well, that's all for now, 'cause I'm so worn out. I hope I'll have a music clip or something to show for it soon.

posted by Justine 11:07 PM
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Wednesday, October 23, 2002
Okay, I've decided to write out my birthday list. My friends, should they read this, will probably yell at me for being so late with this, but whatever. Some of this I never expect to get, but I'll put it down anyway. So, without further ado, Justine's Birthday Wish List:

Protector of the Small: Lady Knight by Tamora Pierce
The latest issue of the Buffy Magazine
A DVD player
The Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
Be Not Nobody, Vanessa Carlton's CD
The Spirit Room, Michelle Branch's CD
Any Buffy or Angel book by Christopher Golden, Jeff Marriot/MaryElisabeth Hart or Yvonne Navarro
Fighting Forces by Rhonda Wilcox and David Lavery
Gift Certificates(Chapters, Bluenotes, Off the Wall)
A massage
A nice notebook
A new cell phone
But I'm A Cheerleader(movie or DVD)
Eliza Dushku or James Marsters to show up(yes, it's a fantasy, but I can dream)

posted by Justine 9:52 PM
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