Do You Mind?
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This is the home of Justine's crazy and sometimes amusing ramblings.

Monday, June 23, 2003
Hurrah! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix came out on Saturday morning at 12:01 am, as you well know unless you've been under a rock for the past few months.

I'm happy to announce that OotP ROCKS!!!!!!! I finished it in five hours, almost to the minute. Adi calculated it at about three pages a minute. I loved it so much I've started it again. I'm not holed up reading like a maniac so it's taking me a little longer, what with work and all. I cannot express how bloody amazing it is. The characters grow and evolve as actual people, they're not all stuck as crude stick figures. I absolutely refuse to talk about crucial stuff with anyone who hasn't read it yet, becuase I would hate beyond everything to be the person who ruins it for someone.

It's such a good book!!!!

posted by Justine 11:17 PM
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