Do You Mind?
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This is the home of Justine's crazy and sometimes amusing ramblings.

Saturday, October 04, 2003
So, CSI Thursday night. It was good, but I don't think it was two parter worthy. Had they just gone to regular credits instead of to be continued, I might have felt less cheated by the lack of Oooh excitement in the resolution. It was a cool ep, though. I loved seeing Greg out of the lab. I think he's hot anyways, but for some reason I think he looked even hotter when they let him out. Plus, I liked seeing him stand up to Grissom, when normally he's cowed and nervous. Good character developement. I still think he and Nick have good chemistry.

That overbloated floater was disgusting! I seriously thought I was going to lose my dinner. Usually I'm eating during CSI, but I'm really glad I wasn't then. I liked Catherine's line about all the CSIs sharing a house ("We should do that. You, me, Nicky, Warrick... Grissom.") and Sara's response (*shakes head* "No, not Grissom."). It showed that, despite evidence to the contrary, they remember what happened in Play With Fire, when Sara asked Grissom out. There was nothing about it before that, even in the episode immediately after. I am a Gil/Sara supporter, but I like continuity. Oh well, here's to next Thursday.

posted by Justine 12:29 PM
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